

man on a mission with no permission
Tommy Forrester is dead.

Tommy was going to be an engeneer. He was 22. Good-looking. Personable. Athletic. He had a high IQ. The dean said he had a best potential than any man in his class.

But Tommy is dead.

His problem was acid. The *?*?*?* acid, formula 25, called LSD.

A close friend told him, LSD was psychedelic. Mind expend. Said it would give him fantastic new sensations and thrills..

So Tommy tried it, and his friend was right. At first the LSD made him sick of itself, but then Tommy began to hallucinate.

The air began to be filled with rainbows, the very atmosphere seemed to be a moving current of multicoloured particles, which came streaming down around..

When he listened to the stereo, he saw coloured particles, floating out from the speakers

When he looked at the walls, they seemed to be melting.. the pictures on the walls became electrified with colours running down like waterfall..

it was sensational!

Inside himself Tommy felt sublimated. Short of suspended in space. He had a euphoric feeling of wonderful well-being.. then he looked in a mirror and something horrorable happened..

First, it seemed that half of his face was roughing away.. then he began to see himself as a grotesk misshapened monster.. he looked around the room and all the people were becoming monsters..

Everybody knew, what was happening to Tommy, because he began screaming and describing what he was doing..

Tommy had a feeling *?*?*?* if he smash his head against the wall, to bring himself out of this stupor. He did it. Blood ?*?*?* from his nose in a large *?*? bloody ?*?*? .. but he felt no pain. Then he found that his head ?*?*?*?

Somebody in the room tried to stop him. He felt he was his enemy, so he ?*?*?* away.

*?*?*? to the next room, with an opened window looked out on the roof across the street. It was 18 stores to the ground. Tommy thought to himself, that the roof across the street was really just a few inches away, he could jump on it and there by escape..

he tried it..

Tommy is dead.

@музыка: Nystagmus - Tommy is dead

19.01.2006 в 12:57

знание приносит страх (с)
тимур, если ты сможешь запостить всю песню - я ну не знаю что для тебя сделаю. все)
19.01.2006 в 13:00

man on a mission with no permission
хм... ща займусь)
19.01.2006 в 13:07

знание приносит страх (с)
тогда прошу с переводом)))
19.01.2006 в 13:10

man on a mission with no permission
нет) переводить будешь сама))
19.01.2006 в 13:16

знание приносит страх (с)
тогда не сделаю это пресловутое "все"
20.01.2006 в 00:46

Uncle Tesk
че, неповезло парню...бедный Томми...-))
20.01.2006 в 10:15

man on a mission with no permission
я тебе говорю, осторожнее с зеркалами, мэн))
20.01.2006 в 16:48

Uncle Tesk
все ровно-)

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